So many of you have followed and supported me through my battle with breast cancer over the last 18 months. Your caring and love was an important part of my recovery.
As many of you know, after the operation to remove the tumour and lymph nodes involved, my chosen route was natural. I did not have any chemotherapy, radiotherapy or hormone therapy. I’m a plant lover, I believe in their power so it was a logical decision for me. You’ve seen me around the garden centre, I’m probably fitter than ever and all recent blood tests are clear. The first battle is won.
So here’s how I did it – my diet, my medication, my lifestyle.
It’s life-changing, cancer does change your life, but I’m still here!
And because you’ve asked for details, here they are – On the Trail of the Snail.
Just €6,50 to cover costs.
For my golden group – Merv, Maddie, Grace, Ainhoa and little Darío – we did it! xxxxx
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